12 years/5K/Parade

WordPress just told me that I have had this blog for 12 years!  This blog is older than one of my kids!   Every time I come on here, I wish I blogged more.  Maybe the summer will make it happen.  After all, I graduated and now I have some down time, looking for a teaching job.  If anyone knows of any job, please shoot me a message.  I will certified to teach Business Education and Computer classes to high school students in Missouri and IL!

Yesterday, I ran the Shriners 5K This race was to raise money for Shriners who provide medical treatment to kids and also the Belleville  Parks and Recreation programs.  This was an exciting race to run, first because it was I think my second race after the injury (I do not remember my first race though) which means it was my slowest 5K ever!!!  It was also very hot, I started sweating just waiting for the race – I love a challenge!  My kids were there to cheer me and made for me a poster.  The whole 5K route (we turned at the midway point) was lined up with people waiting for the Shriners Parade, and finally, while I was running, one of the kids from one of the schools I substitute at, gave me a shout out!

After the race, we went and sat and waited on the parade, this is one of the longest parades in the US, so I hear! We were there for 3 hours. I love to go to parades to see the beautiful floats.  This was a little disappointing as far as floats were concerned, and also, I know school groups need to raise money for their sports or club, but it was a little annoying when they kept on interrupting the parade to sell their wares.  My kids left with a lot of candy (of course, that is why they go to the parades).