Well, he might be a close second to a former presidential hopeful in popularity, but he can sing and entertain…So sad to see Lacey go…been following her since So you think you can dance…their loss…maybe it was a lousy partner…now, to my literature review.

Fun Monday: Who is the wiser?

I signed up to do Fun Monday but was caught up with the cares of the world, now things are slowing down, the house is getting quieter as kids go to bed. Today was an interesting day in my world, I tried out the treadmill workstation.  Wow!  It does take some getting used to, but I think it is a brilliant idea.  I walked/worked on it for 40 minutes and was surprised at how much I was able to accomplish.  Of course, I was walking at one hour a mile (It was slow….) and I did not have the right shoes for it.  The Fun Monday this month was hosted by Georgia Girls and they have been superb, I have enjoyed the topics. Today’s topic they wanted us to share what advice our mother or father gave us that we remember to this day…Mom was a woman of very few words, she spent most of her time praying for us. My Dad on the other hand is a man of very many words, He is a Pastor, so what do you expect? He talked to us a lot but one thing I always remember him saying is that stay close to family and your parents always want the best for you. I didn’t believe Him most of the time but now when I look back and think about my kids, I think he was right. Head over to Georgia Girls and get you some words of wisdom…who knows, at the end of it all, you might be almost as wise as King Solomon.


My posts have been kinda slow in coming, I have a research paper and a report due, one is due tomorrow, so I have been trying to work on them…the problem is that I find myself doing other stuff than concentrating on my assignments. I have to say, online learning is pretty hard, I think the student does 80% of the work. I will be so glad when this semester is over, yes, I am taking it one semester at a time. This week was a pretty good week in Walgreens, the drug store was basically paying us to take their Almay cosmetics. All the Almay cosmetics had a $5 R&R, plus there was a $2 Walgreens Almay coupon and the items were starting at $4.15. You do the math…I paid $2.15 for the eye makeup remover and got back $5. I did a few rolling scenarios and ended up $36 worth of stuff (including stuff we use like the big packet of Huggies baby wipes) for $7 and I have $5 R&R. Fun stuff!! I guess I need to go back to my reality…assignments. Hope you are having a safe weekend, it is raining hard here.

Topic:What is the strangest thing that’s ever happened to you on a bus?

  I could tell you many stories about buses. Before the Kenya buses started following the rules and regulations and having only sitting passengers, riding a Kenya Bus was an experience.  Not sure if you would call it a great experience, but it did test my patience, always! When it rained, people did not care for your shoes, they stepped all over you with mud. At times I would ride the bus with my brother and we would pretend we don’t know each other and start yelling at each other, those were fun days. The bus could pass your bus stop and if you missed it, you either had to learn the art of alighting from a moving bus (which was illegal) or you would have to walk quite a distance back to your stop. Then there were the entertainers. There were those people who entered the bus, gave a short sermon, prayed for you and then asked for offering…morning devotion someone? then there was this boy and he had an infection on his face and his face was all swollen, and he would enter the bus, tell us how he had a dental surgery which went wrong and he was collecting money for treatment at a future date. Dare you not give him some money… I remember at one time one of the passengers chased him out of the bus. Please note that soliciting was not even allowed in the buses. I remember once I actually watched this old guy try to pick pocket me, I was so scared I alighted from the bus. The long distance buses were even more fun, we usually travelled overnight but if you decided to travel during the day, you could write a book. You could buy anything in the bus, from medicines which the seller (not pharmacist) promised that it could treat anything, to bananas and cold drinks. We were warned not to buy the samosas because they were spiked, if you ate one, you would fall asleep and wake up at your destination without your luggage and money. What is the strangest thing that’s ever happened to me on a bus? Plenty!

First Ticket

So Saturday I got my very first ticket…all these 17 years I have been driving, I have never gotten a ticket, and the ticket was not even given to me by a live cop, it was some camera, set up by an out of state company, took a shot of the car I was driving, they say I was going 46 mph in a 35mph road…$50 could have bought us groceries for two weeks…oh well, I guess I need to slow down…