Weight Watchers Week 7

I was dreading this week’s weigh in, mainly because, at the last weigh in, I had gained a little over a pound. So, when she said good job, I was tres excited. This week was about tracking and writing everything down that you eat. I need to do a better job of doing that, I find that if I do not write it down, I tend to eat more. I got myself some cards to help me with strength exercises and I love them. They are fun to use. 
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Fun Monday

Fun Monday is hosted by Ari_1965. Here is a cool assignment.
It’s time for show and tell. What does your kitchen counter look like right now? (And no fair cleaning just for the picture!) Do you have any favorite or unusual items on your counter
I weaned Henry off of his bottles, but I still keep the bottle rack and once in a while put the sippy cups on it to dry. I guess that is the unusual item I have on my counter, not counting the toys.
Not too much space to play with, but the cooking still gets done.
Head over to Ari_1965 to see other kitchen counters.

Happy Feet!

Fun Monday today is hosted by Gattina. She has a fun assignment:
Please show us what you wear on your feet inside your home ! Do you wear slippers, flip flops, shoes or nothing ? just take a picture and show us your feet !
 dsc03215Someone gave me these to promote Staybridge hotels, they are really comfortable.
Rehema got these slippers at her birthday party yesterday and she has been walking tripping with them all day.

Head over to Gattina and admire other people’s feet.

Valentine’s Day

I was listening to NPR the other day and they had this program “Six-Word Memoirs:The Valentine’s Day Edition. It is based on a book called “Six-Word Memoirs on Love and Heartbreak. There were some interesting Six word memoirs. Go over to this link and read them for yourself.  I tried to come up with some:

“He lets me choose the channel”
“He takes both kids to school”
“He came back after seven years”
“I let him watch NBA basketball”

Do you have six-word memoirs about your life that you can share? I would like to read them. Hope you had a nice Valentine day

American Idol

American Idol is upon us, and I have been watching on and off. Nick Mitchell is the funniest contestant ever! He is so funny, I do not think that he is the best singer but I want him to go far because I think he will make us laugh every week. Tatiana is in her own world, and I think people are going to vote for her for the drama. Stephen Fowler might have forgotten the words, but I think he has a great voice and as of now, he is my favorite. I hope he does not forget the words again!

Weight Watchers Week 5

Today was a great weigh in, even after eating a few too many cupcakes thanks to my kid’s birthdays. But I ran a lot this week, I ran on saturday after drill, sunday after drill and Monday morning and on Wednesday I went Circuit training. It sure does pay off to go run a few miles. I lost 1.2 pounds, I was so happy. this is the first time in a long time I have lost more than a pound in a week. I am 9 pounds away from my pro-Basic training weight, I cannot believe it. The topic was about eating out, wasn’t too sure I really understood what she was talking about, I will just stick to my daily allowance since it seems to be working.

Fun Monday -Chattavegas

Fun Monday today is hosted by Pam. In her own words, (in italics) she says:
Show me in pictures or tell me in words what defines the place where you live.
I usually do my post over the weekend, and this weekend I had military duty and was not able to complete my assignment in a timely fashion.

Chattanooga is the scenic city and is known for many things. This photo has the Tennessee River. On the right, the building with triangle roofing is the our lovely Aquarium and the farthest bridge is the walking bridge which I believe is the longest walking bridge in the world
It could be a geographical phenomenon. For instance, when I was a child, the people who lived on our sloping hill could view the Olympic Mountain to the northwest and the majestic Mt. Rainier to the south east.The Tennessee River runs through Chattanooga and because of that, we have the Tennessee Valley Authority.
It could be a man made monstrosity. Do you come home from a trip and the shadow of a skyscraper beckons you.
The TVA is man-made.
Is there a college or university close by that seasonally changes the way your world operates? Or maybe a winter influx of retired snowbirds?
Our state University, is UT-Chattanooga, I bet you have all heard about it 🙂
Did a famous person put your town on the map?
Usher and Samuel Jackson, they are from Chattanooga
Is there something about your neighborhood that makes it unique. Good or bad.
I love Chattanooga!!! It is a nice place to live.

Head over to Pam’s and see where people call home.

Weight Watchers Week 4

It was not a good week as far as WW is concerned, I gained .8 pounds, I was not happy. My goal for that week was to do more strengthening exercises…but I will hang in there. I am not giving up. My goal for this week is to earn half my activity points points value for the week. The good thing I did this week was to check the nutritional information of what I was planning to order before I went to the restaurant. My workmates were taking two of us out for our birthdays. That cinammon butter is a killer! I stayed very far away from it.