3 Wishes!

Today’s Fun Monday is hosted by Sayre and she is going to play genie in the lamp – I want to know your heart’s desire in the form of three wishes.

This one is a hard one for me since I wanna be a billionaire so freaking bad! I can’t really narrow it to three wishes, I could say that I wish I had enough money…but is money ever enough, those who have none or little, wish they could have more, and those who have a boatloads of it, want even more, I guess contentment is the magic word here…I wish we were healthy ALL the time and I wish there was peace in the world.  Those make three, right? Just did the Susan Komen race on Sunday.
Head over to Sayre and see what wishes people have! Have a fun Monday!

Fun Monday – Quiet Place

Now that I have finally gotten my life together and a little more organized, I am back to running and I am back to Fun Monday too. Our host this month is Sayre and here is her assignment:

My march through September as host of Fun Monday is drawing closer to the end… for this week, I wanted to know about your “quiet place.” Life is crazy and everyone needs a way to escape from the crazy and renew themselves. Where is YOUR quiet place? Do you take refuge in music? Massage? Meditation? Exercise? What is your escape from the world – even for just a little while?

Well, if you know me, you know I love to run, so I would say that my quiet place is running. I love to run indoors and outdoors, whatever is convenient. There is something about running, I remember once baby girl asked me, what am I running from? and I told her life. There is just something that running does to you, makes you forget about life for a moment, especially if you go running early in the morning against the elements! You can meditate, think, pray or even sing while running. Last month I took part in a mud run, and that was fun! Running indoors has its perks, I just like to run and watch people in the gym…People are so interesting when they are running on the treadmill!

Stop by Sayre and see other people’s quiet place, you might just get an idea of a new quiet place. I hope you had a great Monday


It has taken me a whole 4 weeks to get back to the routine of school after taking the spring and summer semester off, most of my assignments are due on Sunday at 11pm (12 pm my time) giving me the extra hour.  It’s crazy, readings and readings, articles to review,  APA style everywhere, statistics to figure out and internships to look for, I love my major and epidemiology puts the fear of the Lord in me! Well, I might even go to the gym tomorrow and try my feet at running again, I am almost losing my credibility as far as running is concerned. Hey, how about an ice cream cone at the end of the day? Henry loved it!
Just talked to my Dad in the past hour…it was nice to talk to him, I wish he had skype though, I would talk to him more often and would get to ‘see’ him too.

Mud Run!

About 3 months ago, we decided to sign up for the Chattanooga Mud Run.  Yeah, we are crazy like that.  3 weeks later, 2 of the members of the team changed their mind, we found another and made a FB call and we found our 5th team member.  Once a week, we would meet for a group run early morning and we would also run individually during the week.  I must say, this was one of the most fun things I have done this year.  The mud run was supporting Habitat – the Restore program.  Photos by Ladarion!  Check out his work here.
Mud Minnows!