Medical Center 10K Classic

CAM00676I ran the 10K in 1:01:02 which makes for 9:50 min mile. The fastest I have ever ran a 10K. I cut 2.30 minutes off my last years time. That is the good news. The bad news is that my running buddy who we have been training with for the past few weeks, broke her toe so she could not run with me! the other bad news is, it rained the whole route. I was worried about slipping and falling but it seems like we all reached safe and sound.

To the Race report:
We were to report to the start at 8.20 am. I knew where I was going to park so I left in time to park and be ready for the race. Well, I guess things change every year. For some reason, the cops blocked the road to the parking lot, I am not sure why…so I decided to get to it from another route. The train had blocked the other route too! I ended parking like 5 minutes from the start area and walked. The parking lot that I had planned to park in was basically empty…I wonder why?
The race began on time, (this race I must say, wins the award of being the most organized race)
mile 1 – just warming up and trying to figure where I belong in this race and what my pace will be
mile 2 – this was my fastest mile (6.46mph) It was mostly downhill but there was the fear of slipping and falling. It was now raining hard!
mile 3 – this was a so so mile. I kinda slowed down
mile 4 – Was just working to keep it under 10 min per mile
mile 5 – this was basically uphill and went a little over 10 min/mile, it was something like 5.71mph.
mile 6 – this was surprisingly a fast mile in the race. I was trying to make up for mile 5.
61 minutes, 2 seconds later, I was done! It was raining so hard so I did not stay for the awards but I must say, the training paid off. and my running buddy and I are already talking about next year’s race, God willing!


CAM00555The last time I blogged I talked about the CSA that I had joined. This has been fun, eating fresh vegetables every week. It brings memories of home, where the potatoes are sold as is with all the dirt. The kids love going to the farmers market every week to pick up the veggies. I wish they had the same passion for eating them. I am glad they agreed to try out the pumpkin muffins I made from scratch, just baked the pumpkin, mashed it and used it for the muffins.
Without joining the CSA, I would never have tasted, leave alone cooked spaghetti squash. This week I am trying to figure out what a Kohlrabi is:
CAM00596 Has anyone ever tried them? This is the white variety but they also come in purple. Enough about the CSA, but I am loving it!
The comprehensive exam is coming soon and I am really scared but I am studying and praying that I pass. Please keep me in your prayers.
CAM00477 I have a 10K race in two weeks time. As my brother would tell you, training for these races is very important. So I upped my mileage to at least 20 miles a week. I love the work that Greenways has done with the trails. There are so many safe options, who needs a gym?
Soccer season is full swing! Baby Girl’s team is pretty tough this season, yeah, remember they have three coaches! One thing I like about this coach is that, he has them play all the positions during the game. Usually you find that some coaches have their best player, play the whole game with no rest and their weakest link is let to play for like 5 minutes. Our coach is fair to all the girls and they play somewhat the same amount of time. Go Falcons! Baby boy’s team is not to be left behind!! I do pay for goals, they do like to play, but I want to motivate them to play harder. Baby boy was on a roll the other day, he scored 5 goals! I think by the end of this season I will be very very broke! It’s all fun.
Happy October!