
Have you ever known that we are the best parents until we have kids and then we want to go back and apologize to all the parents that we gave the look in church/walmart/airplanes etc. because of the way they handled their children?
That is how I feel right now. I do not know so many people who have lost their jobs, but I do know a few and I am in awe of how they handled it. And now that our family is in the same situation, I am thinking back to them, and how I wish I practiced more action and less talk.
The roller coaster came crushing last week and now we are wondering what next. The hard part is explaining to the kids that all that we had planned for the summer is coming to a quick halt. We are staying strong and believing that the Lord will open a door soon. Meanwhile, it is one day at a time! Keep looking up!

April Already??? LOL!

I see a trend here, seems like by the time I have time to write a post, one month has flown by. It has been a few weeks since we did the half marathon that I talked about in my last post. half picI ran most of it (99%) with my friend Shelley. I have to say that running it with her, made it all so much more bearable. The weather was perfect and we just ran and talked, and ran, and talked, and ran for 13 miles and then I decided to walk .2 miles. I had set my Nike so that I could hear cheers any time someone liked my running post on facebook. That was awesome! Those cheers were so encouraging. The race was brutal though! I ran it in 02:21:58.086 which was 3 minutes slower than last year! Can’s wait for next year’s race though! Please join me!