Car Rides

I remember the fondly the days when we would ride to work together with my Dad.  (At other times I would take the bus and that is a story for another day) My Dad would drive, and for some reason I would sit on the back right of the car (the driver seat was on the right).  Everyday was an opportunity for my dad to teach me a life lesson, and it would range from Christianity, relationships, school, and career.  Those were interesting days.  So history is kinda repeating itself and I am driving my baby girl to school.  We pass the cemetery and the all important conversation starts.

R: What are those white things?

G: graves. 

R: what’s inside them?

G: dead people ( I guess I should have coated it a little)

R: do they live there?

G: Not really. 

R :Will they wake up?

G: When Christ comes back.

R :I don’t want to die, I don’t want to live there.  I don’t want you to die either.  Do you want to die mommy?

G: No (sigh)

New Beginnings

Wednesday was Rehema’s first day of kindergarten! 
It was filled with mixed feelings. 
My baby girl is now all grown up and going to big kids school. 
Where did all the years go? 
Reminds me of the Fiddler on the Roof – Sunrise Sunset…
“Is this the little girl I carried?” 
I think we are off to a good start. 
I have been so busy with preparing for Rehema’s going to school, I almost forgot that the semester begins in one week
fun times
now if I could only survive the morning traffic at her school I will be fine
Have a great semester everybody!