Week 7 of 12

I hope everyone is doing great. I am late with this update, it looks like it is going downhill from here but I am sure I can still salvage it. I was meant to go running today and it kinda started raining so I ended up running up and down a short hill 10 times, every little counts, right? I did go for a long run on saturday and it was so much fun. I love racing people who do not know that I am racing them. I always look for someone ahead of me and make it my goal to go and pass them and not let them pass me. I once did that with this gal and I think she too decided to play the same game with me, we had some pretty good runs out of that.
I have been working full days as from last week and so that has changed the dynamics of training but I will work it out somehow. In fact, I have a 5K race this weekend and which I hope to do better in time from my last race. It is probably wishful thinking but who hopes to do worse?
Hope you have an awesome week and keep the faith and be safe.

Week 6 of 12

I cannot believe that it is already week 6! This past week has not been good as far as running in concerned. It was the first full week of school for both kiddos and we still were working on getting things into a routine. I went running on Tuesday (3 miles) and Friday (4miles). On Friday I decided to use my ‘old’ shoes just to see the difference and I have come to the conclusion that shoes do make a difference in your running.
In other news, I start my internship next week and I am looking forward to it. Soccer season for my kids also begins next week (fun times). This time i decided to be a spectator rather than a coach. (With my hand raised) I have also promised not to shout, scream and order while watching both my kids play. I will always remember that it is recreational soccer. I also looked up how much the referees who ref my kid’s age group games are paid, and I concluded, at that level, being a referee is a calling! I know that at that level (U8 and below) the rules are not that many, but it is also at that age that the parents are brutal, LOL! As always, keep the faith!

Week 5 of 12:The Garden Spot 5K

I am not sure if it was the shoes that I bought this week (I bought #4 because they were cheaper) or the fartleks! I gave it my all at the Garden Spot 5K this morning.
This race was held in Franklin which is a 25 minutes drive from BG! This race is to Franklin what Riverbend is to Chattanooga or the 10K classic is to BG, in other words, it had a lot of people, like 800 registrants, basically the whole town was there either to run, volunteer or cheer. (that made it so awesome) The race began about 20 minutes later than it was scheduled to start, made me so nervous.
After a poor 32 minutes plus performance at my last race, my goal for this race was to run the 5K under 30! I decided to set my Nike running for 30 minutes.
I reached the first mile at 9.30, I knew I was going to make my goal. As expected, the second mile was slower, I passed the clock at 19.26 and decided to speed it up a little since I needed to run the 1.1miles in 10 minutes to make it under 30, and that I did! I reached the finish line and saw the clock read 29 something, I was so excited! I missed the podium by lesst than 20 seconds. I am so pumped for the next race, next month! Going with last year results, the competition is going to be stiffer, but I can do it! There is light at the end of tunnel!

Back to School

After posting baby boy’s before school pic, decided to post an after school pic! He really did enjoy his first day of school and was excited about going back this morning! This is an answered prayer, he did not think much about his summer school and in his own words, he told me he was ‘happy to be free’.
It has been fun watching the Olympics! Of course I expected more medals from the Kenyans (Where is Kip Keino when we need him?) Now, I know more about waterpolo than I need to (thanks #NBCfail)!
Last week I volunteered for a race and how I wish I had registed to run, I would have been on the podium for sure! there was only one person from my age group! It was a fun small race which I hope it is bigger next year. good thinking, the race director did not date the T-shirts so they can be used next year.
It’s all good!

Week 4 of 12

I cannot believe how fast time is going, it’s already August, soon it will be Christmas!
After last week’s Purple Strider’s race, I totally knew what I needed to do. I need to speed up! ‘Just running to finish a 5K’ does not cut it anymore. I started off on Monday with a 6 mile run, I ran a different route than I normally do and it did make a difference, before I knew it, 6 miles were over.
I was dreading my next run because even though it was going to be a short 2 mile run, the plan was to do the fartleks! I have been reading my Runner’s World, thanks Amy! and came across an easy Fartlek which I tried. It is the “100 Steps Fartlek” and it is recommended for beginners. You pick up the pace for 10 strides (counted on one leg) and then run slowly for 10 strides, then run hard for 20 strides, slowly for 20 strides until you reach 100 strides! If you still have the energy of Dibaba (10 000 women’s meters Olympic gold winner, London 2012), you can increase the challenge by going back down.
My next run was a 5 mile run and it rained during mile 1 and mile 5, I’ll take rain anytime over heat! It was a great week. Next week is race week!!
I cannot decide which shoe to buy, I did the shoefinder and it gives me 8 options of shoes I can choose from and they are all about the same price. Anyone have a brand suggestion? just find out that every year, a new shoe comes out and it is given a #, e.g. Brooks 4, next year they will have Brooks 5, who knew?
Hope you are enjoying the olympics, so glad the girl I was routing for, won gold, go Gabby!!
Now it’s #teamkenya’s turn! Having grown up in the Rift Valley, I wonder how I missed that running bus!
Keep the faith!

Kroger Family Night

I know, they do not look like our fam! I am a Bzzagent and so I received samples and coupons for us to try kroger brand!
Kroger truly awesome pizza!
We are not froen pizza fans but I was going in with an open tastebud mind. The cheese pizzas were all gone so we settled for the pepperoni. It was okay!
Kroger corn cups
They were a disappointment, they tasted flat! They are definately the losers in the bunch.
Kroger vitamin water
The vitamin water was good, it did not taste fake and I would buy it again
Kroger Fruit bars
These were the winners in the bunch. They tasted like real fruit (I bought the strawberry), and I will definately buy more in the future! If you are looking for affordable fruit bars, Kroger brand is the way too go!