Fun Monday – Holiday Mail

This week’s Fun Monday is hosted by Faye.  Here is her assignment.

I’m your holiday host for Fun Monday, December 21. Your assignment, should you decide to play, is to share some of your favorite holiday mail that you’ve received this year. Possible categories:

Best All Around Card
Most Meaningful Message
Best Kid/Pet Holiday Photo
Best Family Newsletter
Most Humorous Card

This is a fun topic but I am going to break the rules a little, please forgive me Faye. We have received beautiful cards but we have not come around to sending out any yet, maybe we will make it a ‘Happy New Year’ card. I received a gift that I thought was so beautiful and meaningful. It is a beautiful kitchen apron.  The reason why I love it is because, she made it herself, it’s beautiful and I needed an apron.  She added an attachment to them that you can use as pockets or pot holders.  I just love it. I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas season, Jesus is the reason for the season. Merry Christmas!
Head over to Faye’s and enjoy.

30 Day Shred

I was in Target the other day, had a Target card and was looking for stuff to buy for myself and so I decided to by one of Jillian’s DVDs.  It’s called 30 Day Shred.  It’s an old DVD, as in, she has had others after that, this was one was on sale.  It is killing me!  It is a 3-2-1 system, 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of Cardio and 1 minute of Abs, for a 3 circuits.  It does go fast and by the time you are done, you are sweating away.  I have missed one or two days already but I am going to try and do it to the end of the month.  Anyone use this DVD before?