Chicken Curry Masala!

I am loving the recipes from Kayotic Kitchen. The latest I tried was Chicken Curry Masala! (not to be confused with the Chicken Tikka Masala)Soooo good! I actually have the Chicken Curry Masala spice and I had tried to use it before and was not too sure about it. This time, it was perfect. I found out though that next time I need to use only half of the oil she calls for in the recipe, because I ended up with what we used to call when we were younger “top layer”. I ended up making a few chapatis to go with it, so good! 


Fun Monday

Fun Monday is hosted by Gattina. Her assignment was pretty interesting:

That’s why I just want to know what you call a messy place and put a picture of it in your post. It’s just to compare, if I am messy …
It can be a room, your basement, the attic, a drawer or whatever, but it has to be messy !
Those who are the perfect housewives or men, please leave one room or other place untouched for 24 h !

Easy assignment for me, I chose a space that we dumb everything and anything.

I tried to redeem myself, so I have an after picture:
I had to remove the ladder from there because I came back and found someone had climbed it 🙂

Head over to Gattina’s and see what other people have posted, it should be interesting.

Big Girl

DSC03980 There has been a lot of drama in our house because baby girl had a loose tooth. She kept on asking all these questions. Personally I thought she is too young to be losing a tooth. Yesterday (25th) she woke up and said that her tooth is almost coming out. I went for my run and came back and the tooth was out. I missed it 😦 . She pulled it out. Now, she will not open her mouth for me to see and last night she asked me if when she wakes up, if her tooth would have grown back!!DSC03982

Fun Monday

This week’s Fun Monday is hosted by Janis. Here is the assignment:

Since the Lazy Hazy Days of summer are upon us now, tell us what activities you enjoy doing outside and how do you stay cool. Share some photos of both if you wish.

I am not sure we have any concrete summer plans but to be really lazy. I got a zoo membership so that I could take the kids to the local zoo every so often. We already visited the Knoxville Zoo and that was fun.
I am planning on taking them to the Creative Discovery Museum too. They have some free days and I also have some passes.
DSC03583Swimming is becoming a big part of our lives. I enrolled the baby girl for swimming lessons and she loves it. I will definately take the baby boy to the pool too.
We are having Movies in the Park on saturday nights during the month of July. Hopefully we will catch one, one of these nights.
Head over to Janis and read how people are spending their summer.

Fun Monday – Independence Day

I am hosting today’s Fun Monday. The topic is here.  The people playing are listed on the right hand side of my blog.  Thanks for participating.

DSC03852 When we moved to the US, our July 4th gig was a road trip, we would drive all the way from Chattanooga to New Jersey to go visit with our cousins and also some friends who lived in Maryland, something like 16 hours! Then we had Rehema and we thought driving would be too much for her, so we flew. and it was just too much. From then on we decided that we will be spending July 4th here and about. Saturday night we went to my place of work to see the fireworks from there.

Kenya celebrates its Independence Day on 12 December. It was on 12th December 1963, when Kenya was granted its full Independence (from the British), but it became a republic in 1964 with Jomo Kenyatta as its first president. When we were younger, December 12th was a fun holiday, it was a big deal for the nation. The one and only TV station at that time would start broadcasting at 10 am as oppossed to 5pm on a weekday. If you did not have a TV and you lived in a big enough town, you would go to the stadium to watch the day’s celebrations. If you lived in Nairobi (the Capital City), you could go to see and listen to the President give his speech at this park called Uhuru (freedom) park. Before the speech was given, there was a parade which included a military parade, manufacturing companies displaying their products and all and there was entertainment, choirs, dancers, they usually had a mass choir which consisted of adults from different choirs and a mass choir consisting of kids from different schools in the city. These celebrations were a big deal. It was fun to watch on TV. One interesting policy was that (this has now changed) businesses like the grocery stores or restaurants were not allowed to open for business until the President had given his speech which was usually a little after noon.
Hope you had a great  and safe July 4th, Janis is hosting next Fun Monday – July 13th, be sure to stop by during the week to check what the assignment is.